Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mint Tea

Spring is here and its a perfect time to always have fresh ice tea around the kitchen for you and your guests.  My husbands grandmother growing up always made the boys Mint Ice Tea. We tried it for the first time on our own last night and it came out pretty good. I would have appreciated a stronger mint flavor, but it was still very refreshing!

8 cups water
2 tea bags (I use Lipton, but any kind will do)
Sugar (depending on how sweet you like it)
10-20 mint leaves

Boil 4 cups of water. Put 2 teabags into pitcher and add boiling water. Add mint leaves and sugar. Let steep at least 10 minutes. You may strain leaves out if you like but we kept ours in. Add remaining 4 cups of cold water and serve over ice.



  1. If you also add 1/2 can of frozen lemonade. . .just like Gran'ma makes! :)

  2. 1/2 can frozen lemonade with that sounds awesome!
